What are Link Exchanging And Paid Links – How You Can They Can Help Your SEO Ranking

Link Exchanging And Paid Links:

Now that you understand search engine and how it works, it will help you to get into some topics that directly work with it.

Link exchanging (or reciprocal linking) with high traffic sites is good for your SEO rankings and it can also bring you lots of traffic.

As we have already explained in the SEO section, backlinks to your site are one of the most important criteria for high rankings.

Of course, it is best when your content is great, and people link to your site naturally, but this does not happen all the time. Because of this, many Web master’s resort to link exchanging with sites within their niche.

The idea is simple, you put one link to my site on your site and I put one link to your site on my site. This way, reciprocal linking works best for both parties.

However, one of the traps in link exchanging is that if the site you are linking to is not a reputable one, this will seriously hurt your SEO rankings – you should be very careful whom you exchange links with.

There are special link exchanges you can go to but again, check what their reputation is. Another option for reciprocal linking is to contact the web master of a site and offer him or her to exchange links.

There is one more way to get backlinks – paying for them but search engines started treating this as cheating, so actually paying for backlinks is not the best you can do in terms of SEO. We would love to give you reference to where you can get paid-link-exchange-program, but since search engines sometimes frown at it, we would rather not.

If you wish to know more about paid exchange programs, you may type the keyword ‘link exchange’ in Google or Yahoo to get paid exchange program available. However, sometimes it is worth paying for a backlink from a popular site because such backlinks can bring loads of traffic.

Once again, I think I should remind you that you don’t want to link just for linking sake without providing any relevancy for your visitors. While you cannot control who links to your site, you can control who you link to, and you can only get penalized for the links you made from your site. Click here to know more about Organic Traffic