Internet Business Edge No. 1

Happy New Year and I wish you the best of luck in this New Year and beyond.

New Year represents a blank slate, another opportunity to re-start the year with great hopes and expectations along with the intention of achieving many great things. That is why you welcome New Year with such JOY.

You later realize that some mistakes kept repeating itself when you notice most of your wishes in the previous years did not come through.

That is why you don’t just wish for thing to happen in this New Year.

You should plan and map it out!

This brings about the power of setting goals and writing it down. Goal setting will help you to conquer procrastination by giving you step-by-step action plan.

I thought we should start the year with this basic but very important topic “Setting Goals” which you should put in place to help you achieve a fruitful and fulfilling year.

Goal setting is the pathway to succeed both in home based business and in your personal life because it allows you to set your priorities right by focusing on the important things that will guide you toward achieving your vision. You’ll focus your energy on the 20% tasks/activities that will generate 80% of your result (the 80/20 rule) you don’t want the reverse.

To be successful, you need to form the habit of setting goals and achieving them…

Start the New Year recording your goals and make sure they are achievable. Your goals must be specific and measurable for it to be an effective guiding of your behavior. Also to make it a worthwhile change in life, your goals will need to challenge YOU, meaning, you should check out your purpose and make sure your reason for setting goals is something that is worth the effort you’re proposing to invest and will bring a great value to your life and/or business.

For your goal setting to have effect, you need to take one manageable project at a time; one skill at a time; one small improvement at a time.

Write down your goals so that the year will go smoothly and you will not be wondering aimlessly or putting off what truly matters. Goal setting will keep you from becoming exhausted due to last minute rush to get things done.

Three things you should do that will help you through this year and beyond

1.) Determine your goals. What is it that you truly wish for? This will help to direct you and stop you from wondering about “chasing the wind” and help you to discover your purpose. You can then set your goals base on your purpose

2.) Measure your progress. Anything you cannot measure, you cannot manage! This is extremely important because it will help to guide you and prevent you from continuing to repeat the same mistake and help you to cut your losses early.

As you are working with your goals, you should constantly measure your success, use it as a checkpoint. You need to know the followings:

  • how well you are doing in order to know if you are doing well or not
  • know if you need to take a different approach in your project or your process
  • know if what you are investing in is worth your effort or not
  • which one of the method you are using is better than the other so that you can cut or reduce what is not working and invest more in what is working

An example would be setting up Google ads or promoting your articles through various e-zines. You should know which ad is given you the best return on your investment (ROI).

3.) Determine to invest in yourself this year. Learn any skills you need to learn that will help you to achieve the goals you set for yourself if you want it bad enough.

Investing in yourself will help to:

  • boost your esteem knowing that you can get things done
  • have more confidence in yourself and your abilities
  • make good judgment during decision making because you understand what you are doing
  • keep going on and do not quit before you’re able to achieve your goal/dream

Visit my blog post to read the article on goals setting here.

I know you are ready to start taking necessary actions this year to improve your internet business and I wish you all the best of luck.

Remember, I am here for you to answer your questions and/or concerns. Please feel free to send me your questions, concerns and comments.

If you find this topic useful, do your friend a favor by sharing it and encouraging them to read my blog post.

I will send you another newsletter next month.

Have a wonderfully blessed year.

Abby Lawal