Internet Business Edge No. 5

February seems to fly-bye so quickly. The good thing is, we’ve had some progress in our online business and have made some positive changes since last month.

Anthony Robbins said, “Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.

Success comes when you are able to meet your goal and only you can actually measure your success since success means different things to different people.

Based on this notion, I need you to let me know what exactly you’ll like to know about Internet Marketing or Making Money Online that will help you to reach your goal faster.

This month’s newsletter will actually take a new turn based on the questions we’ve been getting on internet marketing methodologies and processes.

I have received a lot of questions about

How can I set-up internet business and make money online?

This topic seems broad and it cannot be answered based on my assumption of what you really need. By assumption I mean to try and read your mind to determine what you would like to learn since everybody is actually at different stages in their business.

So I put a little questionnaire page up for you to be able to tell us about your most burning questions that will help us to determine what you want and how you want it and put together something that specifically meet your need.

Following are some of the clues you can write to us about to help us design the training that will best meet your needs:

    • What you want
    • What you need or what your business is missing
    • What is it that you are not getting (example, best resources, where to go for information etc.)
    • How you would prefer your training (example, step-by-step, video or mix of both etc.}

One of the basic business philosophies that I use to help guide my business online is to first learn what NOT to do. I know some people would prefer to hear how to be successful online instead of learning what can actually cause the business not to succeed – It is perfectly okay if this is the way you think.

The only problem is:

The fact that there are rules and laws or dos and don’t that governs business either online or offline which we have to adhere to either we like it or not.

For this reason, I put an article together to help set you on the side of operating successfully and doing what will make your business to succeed online.

If you have not done so already, please read the article on my blog post on Top 10 Reasons Why Home Business Fail.

Success is merely the absence of failure

The article is not a legal or governmental rules, it is just to teach you how to eliminate failure habits, traits and patterns in your business processes and day-to-day activities.

What you will need to do is to open your heart/mind to new ideas, instructions and suggestions that will help you to figure out what you are not doing well and start doing what will help your business to move forward.

I found a time management poem and thought it sums up our Goal Setting and Planning topics. Enjoy!

Take time to work – It is the price of success

Take time to think – It is the source of power

Take time to play – It is the secret of perpetual youth

Take time to read – It is the fountain of wisdom

Take time to be friendly – It is the road to happiness

Take time to love and be loved – It is the nourishment of the soul

Take time to share – It is too short a life to be selfish

Take time to laugh – It is the music of the heart

Take time to dream – It is hitching your wagon to a star.


Feel free to give feedback on your Most Burning Question.

This is a perfect opportunity for someone with offline business to learn how to move their business online and expand their clientele plus improve their sales.

If you find this topic useful, share with your friends and encourage them to visit our blog post.

I will send you another newsletter next month.

To your success and happiness,

Abby Lawal