Does Article Marketing Really Work?

Article marketing help to keep your visitors informed about your product. Discover how you can use it to build your business!

Article Marketing:
The Secret to FREE, Non-Stop, Targeted Traffic!

Does Article Marketing Really Work?

Writing is an art of creative thinking. Writing comes easily for some people but for many, it is one of the intense brain tasking activity in all internet marketing process. Incidentally, this activity is inevitable for your sales letter.

The difference is…

You use your sales letter to promote your business as a result, you can justify your effort to building your business.

The question is, how can you justify putting all those effort into writing articles that you’re going to give out solely for the benefit of the reader?


You may ask, “What is in it for ME” after all the creativity and story telling, only to give out useful information for FREE?

The answer is not far fetched…

… For the same reason you are reading this article – to help educate YOU. You want to know more about article marketing and see if marketing with articles actually works. You also want keep informed about the topic that interests you.

This is what article marketing allows you to do for your readers. Plus, it let them know that you’re there to help them out if they ever need more information on that topic or on related topics.

This now brings us to the BIG question…

Does article marketing really work?

A simple “YES” answer will not do article marketing any justice without you first examine your visitors’ mentality, intentions or their expectation online and then see how article relates to the reader’s state-of-mind.

First thing you need to realize is the fact that an average internet surfers want one thing and came to the web for one thing only – to get a content rich information!

How relevant the information they get relates to what they need is what will determine if they want to get more information from the same source “YOUR SITE” or move forward to another site.

Remember, there are thousand-and-one places to get information online, the only thing that will set you apart from the others is the quality of information you are able to give and the relevancy of it to your reader’s request.

How Do You Rate The People Surfing Online Now-a-Days?

Visitors surfing the Web nowadays are sophisticated visitors, they are smart and well informed. Most of them have set up a system called “Radar Defense” that will help them against all the ad bombardment they get on a daily basis.

They know that most people online are marketers who wants to get to their wallet one way of the other and they have to safe guide their hard-earned-cash as much as possible. They want to only reserve their cash for the necessary things.

So, if visitors are these smart, how then can you tell them about your product and let them know you’re the REAL thing?

That is the big question and that is why you have to let them know about your knowledge and expertise through your article.

Your article will help you to build TRUST and RELATIONSHIP with your readers. It will tell them what they need to know and give them enough information that will allow them to either want more of what you have to offer or not – it is that simple!

Build Trust and Relationship With Your readers

Now that you know that your visitors have the “buyers beware” attitude online and have created the defense mechanism due to the fear of getting hyped…

The next thing you should know is that your article will help to remove the fear your visitor has regarding getting ripped-off online. It will also create trust and credibility about you and your product in the eyes of your reader which will grow into relationship when they opt-in to your list and you continue to give them valuable information – it’s only a matter of time before your cash register starts to ring – cha-ching!, cha-ching!!, cha-ching!!!

After all, your article have already pave the way for them to see what you’re capable of doing and it is only natural for them to want more of other things they can gain from you.

Your next step should be to find out how you can gain “quick credibility” from your readers?

The answer has a simple solution…

Solution to building your credibility is to write, publish and promote your free articles to showcase to the world what you’re capable of doing and let them make the decision by visiting your site if they find your expertise relevant to what they need or want.

How Can You Know If Article Works?

I know you would like to see prove, you are not alone, it’s human nature. The good thing is, the prove you need to confirm if article marketing really works is all around you and you see them everyday.

Do me a favor; take a break from reading this article for a moment and check out your newspaper or magazines.

Make note of what you trust more, the ads or the articles?


Think back to the last time you buy something online, what was the process that led to your buying decision?

Was it after you’ve read about it or was it a spontaneous purchase based on how good the ad was?

Most people will answer YES to learning more about the product or services first and that is the proof that article marketing works.

*** Articles makes you to be an informed buyer! ***

Benefits of An Article

  • Articles helps to eliminate the fear and remove your readers defense mechanism by establishing trust and credibility
  • It helps to create intense targeted visitors who are interested in what you do and know about you up front before they visit your site
  • It helps to differentiate you from your competitors and set you apart from all the noise and hype online
  • Your content rich article will help to create informed visitors even if they choose not to visit your site, they still learn something from you – It’s your contribution to the world.

The only draw back to article marketing is that it may take a little time for your articles to circulate the web. But you can be rest assured that if you do a good job putting your articles together, it will surely bring the reward – you will get targeted organic traffic to your website.


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