What are Email Signature And Postscripts – How Can They Help Your Business

What are Email signature and postscripts: Include links to your site in your emails, articles and or e-books.

Your emails are another place you can use for promoting your site that will not cost you an additional fee.

Sure, it might not be the most effective way to build organic traffic but why miss the chance!

Similarly, to newsletters and RSS feeds, email signatures are a relatively unobtrusive way to remind your readers of you.

Very often people just forget to visit your site and when they get a delicate reminder, they go to see what is new.

The signature section of your email marketing is important sections that rarely mention, and some people overlook its importance. Use your name, your company name, and a link to your webpage for branding in your signature section.

The Postscript (P.S.) section of your e-mail comes last after the signature, and it is your last chance to emphasize the important points of your message and or elaborate on some call to actions you’ve mentioned in the body of your message.

Most people skim through messages, especially long messages and if you’re able to get their attention in your postscript section, they may either go back to read your message or respond to your call to action. Whichever way, you are able to get their attention.

The postscript (P.S.) is your last chance to set a hook to your message and get your readers attention.

It is not advisable to start a new topic in your P.S. It should be used to highlight some important point in your message and/or a reminder of an offer deadlines or refer your readers to a link where they can get more information relating to your message. Learn more about how your message can get the needed attention.

See the last page of this book for signature and postscript example.